It is vitally important that owners and building managers have maintenance carried out in a planned manner for maximization of budgeting and scheduling. However, in the UAE, many owners and managers do not know what systems their buildings contain or how they should be maintained, particularly in view of missing as-built drawings.

An asset register/list is important to any building management plan. In simple terms, it is a list of elements that are brought together to construct a building, but usually, this is not created during design or construction. In order to be an effective asset register, it needs to have sufficient information and technical detail, including but not limited to description, photos, tag number, technical data, warranties, location, etc.

Realpoint’s technical team is experienced in developing detailed asset registers and maintenance plans for all types of real estate. Our technical expertise can help owners and building managers to effectively operate and maintain their assets saving on repair and maintenance costs.

  • Collection of Asset Information: Visual inspection survey to ascertain building asset condition and collect asset information and data.
  • Creation Of An Asset Register: Documenting collected building asset data into an asset database register to help Real Estate owners manage their buildings.
  • Asset Tagging: To link all building assets to the asset register by physically tagging all assets with related bar code tags.

Visual inspection survey to ascertain building asset condition and collect asset information and data.

Documenting collected building asset data into an asset database register to help Real Estate owners manage their buildings.

To link all building assets to the asset register by physically tagging all assets with related barcode tags.

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